Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Videography by Petersen Vargas
Creative Direction by Raymond Ang
Sittings by Mags Ocampo, Ina Jacobe, and Neal Corpus
Photo by Kitkat Pajaro
It’s getting hot in here.

There’s a certain kind of confidence that one needs to show off their body. Even if you’ve got an ultra-fit physique, you gotta have enough chutzpah to take off your clothes and show off all the hard work you put in working out.

And that’s exactly what our new BENCH/ Bodies have. It’s not exactly a cocky confidence; it’s more like being sure of who you are. Because after all, nothing’s sexier than being in your own skin. B/Blog presents Screen Tests with Marco Gumabao, Maxine Medina, Albie Casiño, Beauty Gonzalez, and Kiko Estrada as they join the ranks of our sizzling roster. Catch them all on Nov. 18 at #BenchUnderTheStars at the MOA Arena. Make sure you hydrate, ‘cause it’s going to be hot, hot, hot.