Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Pia Cayetano wants cyclists exempted from mandatory face shield rule

 Sen. Pia Cayetano on Tuesday urged the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on COVID-19 to exempt cyclists and joggers from the mandatory wearing of face shields, saying the transparent head gear could cause accidents.

Cayetano, a former national athlete and a triathlete, issued the appeal a week after the national government said face shields - just like face masks - are now required to be worn in all public areas.

"As a cyclist, I’m very concerned about the safety of fellow cyclists being required to use face shields," Cayetano said in a tweet.

"This could drastically impair their vision and perception of space, which may lead to accidents," she said.

The senator also urged the IATF to allow joggers not to wear face shields when they are in open spaces.

"Recognizing the role of exercise in promoting mental and physical health, I also ask the IATF to exempt joggers from the requirement when jogging in open spaces, provided they observe social distancing measures," she said.

Health experts earlier questioned the policy of wearing face shields in public, saying it could impair breathing for some people.

"Equipment alone will not protect us from COVID-19, even with the face shield and face mask. It's important to follow guidelines to protect us from the coronavirus infection," infectious disease expert Benjamin Co said in an earlier interview.

"I think they should review the recommendations," he said.
